Rank Name Rounds ⇑Score Kills Longest Objectives
31Field26131180893 m154
32River Delta16545170899 m163
33Serpentine365641522533 m149
34Nullgrad36598263836 m139
35First Strike26876234859 m148
36Damaskus36913133708 m174
37Mirage137380290579 m176
38Bruma138001119224 m242
39Lakeside58262182805 m205
40Wayne_Island58553179485 m218
41Finding Lenin69237259862 m237
42S-Valley59793297769 m241
43Plattenbau711271399792 m271
44Deep Forest1611364488472 m300
45Powerbase911474410931 m277

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL