Rank Name Rounds ⇑Score Kills Longest Objectives
1Halong Port14000 m0
2Bahrain1114315 m3
3Atlas13024767 m9
4Swamp-Island13419188 m9
5Island in the sun23776267 m11
6SSW Arena24236219 m8
7Winterbase274132409 m20
8CounTaineR278928125 m23
9Armybase1106172657 m21
10DeathCity1168845371 m47
11Stadium3182458201 m33
12River of Kazan1237495758 m59
13Lake Karachay1294693963 m75
14Desert Crisis12991100752 m66
15Oasis11327983270 m86

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL