Rank Name Rounds ⇓Score Kills Longest Objectives
1Villariva vs.Villabajo113244510942163 m743
2Cape Hell1524565543945 m625
3Countryside1024191566850 m593
4Vassholmen1419352344627 m504
5Cold Winter818998676634 m468
6Desert Raid6178935161108 m408
7Riverside617249544727 m426
8Pietrowsky6170473991537 m453
9Island Hopper816791487964 m418
10Russet Bay716655303593 m423
11Bone Mountain3165105851305 m370
12Volcano515968423938 m407
13Conflict Zone2015017487744 m371
14Lenskoje414992455794 m376
15Kamchatka714987285969 m405

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL