Rank Name Rounds Score ⇑Kills Longest Objectives
46Vassholmen1419352344627 m504
47Vladivostok214303364719 m300
48Pietrowsky6170473991537 m453
49Plattenbau711271399792 m271
50Powerbase911474410931 m277
51Volcano515968423938 m407
52Lenskoje414992455794 m376
53Armybase-21514116467590 m359
54Conflict Zone2015017487744 m371
55Island Hopper816791487964 m418
56Deep Forest1611364488472 m300
57Kurvanova713468490799 m324
58Desert Raid6178935161108 m408
59Cape Hell1524565543945 m625
60Riverside617249544727 m426

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL