Rank Name Rounds Score Kills Longest Objectives
31CounTaineR_244156102183 m116
32Lenskoje414992455794 m376
33Swamp35283175611 m125
34Nullgrad36598263836 m139
35Bone Mountain3165105851305 m370
36Caledonia349751601134 m124
37Hell Village3328075446 m88
38Warzone3609769556 m161
39Damaskus36913133708 m174
40Serpentine365641522533 m149
41Stadium3182458201 m33
42Field26131180893 m154
43First Strike26876234859 m148
44Vladivostok214303364719 m300
45CounTaineR278928125 m23

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL