Rank Name Rounds Score Kills Longest ⇓Objectives
46Lake Karachay271127517 m19
47Saint Rebekka1274085482 m63
48Armybase-255719228478 m123
49Russet Bay1121137460 m32
50Armybase43181132455 m78
51Winterbase42744133423 m63
52Hide106521207399 m150
53Cape Hell1113030287384 m328
54Island in the sun1237729361 m71
55Cold Winter43252109324 m80
56Village1010157279315 m234
57Bahrain105939199293 m135
58SSW Arena3261157286 m79
59CounTaineR_2108275305281 m199
60CounTaineR3138948269 m39

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL