Rank Name Rounds Score Kills Longest ⇑Objectives
1Oasis128114 m1
2Wayne_Island31431110 m4
3Factory180612189 m18
4Stadium43463221196 m80
5CounTaineR3138948269 m39
6CounTaineR_2108275305281 m199
7SSW Arena3261157286 m79
8Bahrain105939199293 m135
9Village1010157279315 m234
10Cold Winter43252109324 m80
11Island in the sun1237729361 m71
12Cape Hell1113030287384 m328
13Hide106521207399 m150
14Winterbase42744133423 m63
15Armybase43181132455 m78

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL