Rank Name Rounds Score Kills Longest ⇑Objectives
16Russet Bay1121137460 m32
17Armybase-255719228478 m123
18Saint Rebekka1274085482 m63
19Lake Karachay271127517 m19
20Conflict Zone43823156524 m83
21Al-Shedin12231164525 m35
22Hell Village2285580549 m67
23Attu Island2246015562 m71
24Pietrowsky35879108580 m137
25Field46923238620 m132
26Riverside615470381638 m353
27DeathCity2327376639 m86
28Deep Forest66244233642 m157
29Zagadochnyi Sad914628218654 m378
30Swamp55788155691 m142

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL