Rank Name Rounds Score Kills ⇓Longest Objectives
46Perimeter29604189793 m225
47Gravel Pit29325388784 m196
48Field48957332749 m192
49Deep Forest1820681922737 m460
50Damaskus2313096735 m71
51Factory27253247731 m159
52Vladivostok28894181725 m212
53Saint Rebekka47347262716 m156
54Nullgrad23776144707 m94
55Halong Port11781693 m5
56Mirage69794458648 m205
57White Village25866145583 m139
58Wayne_Island35118106581 m106
59Vassholmen1018333384579 m431
60Village1511611542575 m237

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL