Rank Name Rounds Score Kills ⇓Longest Objectives
31River of Kazan836844718966 m841
32Desert Raid412157480960 m258
33Island Hopper1021021780939 m452
34Powerbase1020068641906 m440
35Plattenbau21548251600891 m1289
36Lakeside15493891369878 m1100
37Save The Bridge611578355849 m243
38Fastlane26540308849 m123
39Riverside920096431842 m478
40Attu Island38720197840 m177
41S-Valley1120321633833 m420
42Swamp1317967569821 m435
43Swamp-Island38218454815 m155
44Bruma69780210814 m221
45Desert Flower17297761064800 m640

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL