Rank Name Rounds Score Kills ⇓Longest Objectives
46Nullgrad37361323769 m168
47Conflict Zone46730280753 m151
48Bahrain59453299652 m234
49Zagadochnyi Sad38855181643 m215
50Armybase-256050240630 m143
51SSW Arena510342314609 m268
52Cape Hell1428773827591 m651
53Island in the sun43643120584 m69
54Oasis920434743579 m419
55Mirage43568196577 m87
56Deep Forest2120610735568 m525
57Attu Island4238147550 m69
58Hell Village610911335546 m282
59Todra Gorge21797125525 m34
60Damaskus37604190485 m191

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL