Rank Name Rounds Score Kills ⇑Longest Objectives
1Stadium154122118 m15
2CounTaineR84707159142 m129
3CounTaineR_252880115232 m75
4Village55384248374 m124
5Bruma922943750398 m594
6Hide57141262446 m188
7Gravel Pit24997147449 m132
8Armybase116473326483 m160
9Winterbase63493266484 m64
10Damaskus37604190485 m191
11Todra Gorge21797125525 m34
12Hell Village610911335546 m282
13Attu Island4238147550 m69
14Deep Forest2120610735568 m525
15Mirage43568196577 m87

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL