Rank Name Rounds Score Kills Longest Objectives
31Cold Winter49097327554 m202
32CounTaineR481336123 m19
33Village3223060622 m60
34Wayne_Island38645165581 m225
35K-Town344201511469 m116
36SSW Arena34544103481 m130
37CounTaineR_23156575156 m27
38Swamp2163561577 m44
39Desert Crisis23837124715 m93
40Vladivostok2231624143 m65
41Finding Lenin25886166720 m138
42River of Kazan24792127761 m131
43White Village2177035227 m52
44Caledonia2118357526 m26
45Island Hopper24770152611 m108

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL