Rank Name Rounds Score Kills Longest Objectives
1Armybase-22411474438725 m277
2Vassholmen2218190413481 m494
3Mirage217532314732 m183
4Cape Hell1919855440625 m535
5Deep Forest186060270642 m150
6Conflict Zone1821267727841 m506
7Desert Flower1617409501620 m457
8Oasis158627229266 m211
9Bruma12294366165 m84
10Pietrowsky1113158254625 m356
11S-Valley1116916548984 m409
12Volcano1019029403923 m501
13Riverside1015091293768 m434
14Russet Bay926609600837 m623
15Serpentine814119299923 m394

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL