Rank Name Rounds Score Kills ⇑Longest Objectives
1Kamchatka1268641 m8
2CounTaineR38122465 m24
3Armybase6130254214 m34
4Deep Forest3127055225 m34
5S-Valley12979233 m8
6Borderline2179033325 m52
7Cape Hell45493111342 m156
8Serpentine2186321345 m58
9Volcano2450250350 m112
10Cold Winter2276638359 m86
11Finding Lenin2177224417 m51
12Riverside4486357486 m148
13Countryside2333668504 m97
14Villariva vs.Villabajo1150627574 m46
15Bruma4357560706 m108

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL