Rank Name Rounds ⇑Score Kills Longest Objectives
1Conflict Zone162202 m0
2Armybase-21112125 m0
3Bruma12374190 m7
4Desert Flower225000 m0
5Cape Hell13005128 m9
6Bradley Op13305244 m10
7Finding Lenin1388677 m12
8Plattenbau14098480 m12
9Zagadochnyi Sad253510239 m15
10Pietrowsky19167516 m29
11Save The Bridge11016122627 m32
12Deep Forest1124229324 m37
13Village4131137121 m37
14Island Hopper1146831321 m36
15CounTaineR_22168933121 m51

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL