Rank Name ⇓Rounds Score Kills Longest Objectives
46CounTaineR3138948269 m39
47Save The Bridge387012511438 m211
48DeathCity2327376639 m86
49Attu Island2246015562 m71
50Lake Karachay271127517 m19
51Bone Mountain29424248837 m193
52Fastlane264521961190 m150
53Hell Village2285580549 m67
54Aspenovich269092932475 m147
55Oasis128114 m1
56Factory180612189 m18
57Gravel Pit11749691074 m43
58Russet Bay1121137460 m32
59Al-Shedin12231164525 m35
60Ambush12676971089 m52

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL