Rank Name Rounds ⇑Score Kills Longest Objectives
31Hide106521207399 m150
32Kurvanova46657171701 m152
33Aspenovich269092932475 m147
34Field46923238620 m132
35Caledonia482522042300 m204
36CounTaineR_2108275305281 m199
37Save The Bridge387012511438 m211
38Kamchatka690961401434 m219
39Bone Mountain29424248837 m193
40Serpentine69453196901 m253
41River of Kazan39479189885 m231
42Finding Lenin595152801785 m221
43Village1010157279315 m234
44S-Valley310551285791 m240
45Baikal-Sea3110094241076 m224

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL