Rank Name ⇑Rounds Score Kills Longest Objectives
16Attu Island2246015562 m71
17Lake Karachay271127517 m19
18Pietrowsky35879108580 m137
19Warzone314325266920 m325
20Bruma3405978731 m97
21River of Kazan39479189885 m231
22Wayne_Island31431110 m4
23White Village312006261839 m286
24S-Valley310551285791 m240
25Island Hopper356901511014 m141
26SSW Arena3261157286 m79
27CounTaineR3138948269 m39
28Save The Bridge387012511438 m211
29Baikal-Sea3110094241076 m224
30Vladivostok412070243795 m268

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL