Rank Name Rounds Score ⇓Kills Longest Objectives
16Atlas4118802901948 m291
17Cape Hell1113030287384 m328
18S-Valley310551285791 m240
19Finding Lenin595152801785 m221
20Village1010157279315 m234
21Vassholmen612065266763 m280
22Warzone314325266920 m325
23White Village312006261839 m286
24Save The Bridge387012511438 m211
25Bone Mountain29424248837 m193
26Vladivostok412070243795 m268
27Field46923238620 m132
28Deep Forest66244233642 m157
29Armybase-255719228478 m123
30Stadium43463221196 m80

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL