Rank ⇑Name Rounds Score Kills Longest Objectives
1Al-Shedin12231164525 m35
2Ambush12676971089 m52
3Armybase43181132455 m78
4Armybase-255719228478 m123
5Aspenovich269092932475 m147
6Atlas4118802901948 m291
7Attu Island2246015562 m71
8Bahrain105939199293 m135
9Baikal-Sea3110094241076 m224
10Bone Mountain29424248837 m193
11Borderline9146052931060 m372
12Bradley Op9168013811016 m420
13Bruma3405978731 m97
14Caledonia482522042300 m204
15Cape Hell1113030287384 m328

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL