Rank Name Rounds ⇓Score Kills Longest Objectives
46Gravel Pit29325388784 m196
47CounTaineR_2119124288180 m249
48Field48957332749 m192
49Vladivostok28894181725 m212
50Attu Island38720197840 m177
51Swamp-Island38218454815 m155
52Atlas381072311206 m204
53Armybase98067374428 m207
54Saint Rebekka47347262716 m156
55Aspenovich373423412477 m153
56Factory27253247731 m159
57Fastlane26540308849 m123
58CounTaineR106033211151 m160
59First Strike259662501116 m120
60White Village25866145583 m139

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL