Rank Name Rounds ⇑Score Kills Longest Objectives
16First Strike259662501116 m120
17CounTaineR106033211151 m160
18Fastlane26540308849 m123
19Factory27253247731 m159
20Aspenovich373423412477 m153
21Saint Rebekka47347262716 m156
22Armybase98067374428 m207
23Atlas381072311206 m204
24Swamp-Island38218454815 m155
25Attu Island38720197840 m177
26Vladivostok28894181725 m212
27Field48957332749 m192
28CounTaineR_2119124288180 m249
29Gravel Pit29325388784 m196
30Caledonia595482362079 m241

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL