Rank Name Rounds Score Kills Longest Objectives
46S-Valley58681397804 m194
47SSW Arena510342314609 m268
48Bahrain59453299652 m234
49Village55384248374 m124
50Conflict Zone46730280753 m151
51Island in the sun43643120584 m69
52White Village4115743861002 m249
53Attu Island4238147550 m69
54Mirage43568196577 m87
55Field493893041116 m209
56Fishaven4232183841402 m570
57Damaskus37604190485 m191
58Zagadochnyi Sad38855181643 m215
59Lake Karachay348242131011 m103
60Saint Rebekka38468359878 m179

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL