Rank Name Rounds ⇓Score Kills Longest Objectives
31Powerbase1117964685911 m418
32Aspenovich717806688831 m391
33Island Hopper616743565934 m372
34Cold Winter616602678881 m352
35K-Town5160126471104 m340
36Swamp1514692403979 m373
37Desert Flower1414338428795 m360
38Desert Crisis2121333402373 m297
39Wayne_Island5116763981092 m258
40White Village4115743861002 m249
41Hell Village610911335546 m282
42SSW Arena510342314609 m268
43DeathCity295122501174 m238
44Bahrain59453299652 m234
45Portofino594202351721 m236

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL