Rank Name Rounds ⇑Score Kills Longest Objectives
31Wayne_Island5116763981092 m258
32Desert Crisis2121333402373 m297
33Desert Flower1414338428795 m360
34Swamp1514692403979 m373
35K-Town5160126471104 m340
36Cold Winter616602678881 m352
37Island Hopper616743565934 m372
38Aspenovich717806688831 m391
39Powerbase1117964685911 m418
40River of Kazan5189695251136 m463
41Bradley Op10190634551964 m479
42Caledonia6204307222135 m435
43Oasis920434743579 m419
44Deep Forest2120610735568 m525
45Vassholmen2121855457781 m589

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL