Rank Name Rounds Score Kills ⇓Longest Objectives
46Field1156647445 m41
47White Village1353287434 m81
48SSW Arena153122381 m15
49Borderline97940215298 m192
50Todra Gorge147112220 m13
51Zagadochnyi Sad2280653192 m80
52Caledonia1743183 m2
53Armybase296724172 m28
54Village2223366163 m48
55Hide1267983154 m75
56Island in the sun131114 m0
57CounTaineR122015111 m5
58Bahrain318823994 m55
59CounTaineR_214891892 m13
60Swamp16000 m2

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL