Rank ⇑Name Rounds Score Kills Longest Objectives
16CounTaineR_214891892 m13
17Countryside1739816991899 m963
18DeathCity14454941721 m121
19Deep Forest2110340515621 m248
20Desert Crisis271792853012 m155
21Desert Flower2628055690752 m694
22Desert Raid715214594865 m309
23Field1156647445 m41
24Finding Lenin918562500686 m489
25First Strike46022164801 m141
26Hell Village14038121532 m94
27Hide1267983154 m75
28Island Hopper711230349872 m260
29Island in the sun131114 m0
30K-Town7130184832632 m293

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL