Rank Name ⇑Rounds Score Kills Longest Objectives
1CounTaineR_214891892 m13
2Kursk136951681303 m73
3Saint Rebekka1251722553 m65
4Al-Shedin170811558 m20
5DeathCity14454941721 m121
6Swamp16000 m2
7Todra Gorge147112220 m13
8Aspenovich1366787652 m97
9Attu Island17000 m2
10Field1156647445 m41
11Hell Village14038121532 m94
12Caledonia1743183 m2
13Hide1267983154 m75
14White Village1353287434 m81
15Island in the sun131114 m0

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL