Rank ⇑Name Rounds Score Kills Longest Objectives
16DeathCity1546271757 m127
17Deep Forest186060270642 m150
18Desert Crisis23837124715 m93
19Desert Flower1617409501620 m457
20Desert Raid5127293531531 m281
21Field158521232 m16
22Finding Lenin25886166720 m138
23Hell Village1277478541 m75
24Hide127918125 m7
25Island Hopper24770152611 m108
26Island in the sun131165 m0
27K-Town344201511469 m116
28Kamchatka5119153321091 m294
29Kurvanova1110632588 m28
30Lakeside7225465641334 m517

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL