Rank Name ⇑Rounds Score Kills Longest Objectives
46Swamp68438266788 m209
47Desert Raid78374237916 m207
48Borderline711949263800 m304
49Oasis78429278297 m198
50Village72785170249 m59
51Bruma713558303498 m356
52Volcano7232975191409 m599
53Desert Flower77989118618 m222
54Cape Hell89628216327 m220
55Atlas8201324151130 m556
56Deep Forest87776312516 m187
57Stadium84793256200 m121
58Bahrain814000523565 m321
59Mirage86929323737 m142
60Conflict Zone99375382747 m218

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL