Rank Name Rounds Score Kills ⇑Longest Objectives
46Wayne_Island3349050785 m81
47Swamp68438266788 m209
48Borderline711949263800 m304
49Serpentine3405978803 m104
50Pietrowsky69347137813 m280
51Villariva vs.Villabajo1014098559871 m324
52Field34286110878 m111
53Desert Raid78374237916 m207
54Factory15731290932 m109
55Powerbase1015772682939 m341
56Save The Bridge2186041971 m55
57White Village4105352081023 m278
58Atlas8201324151130 m556
59K-Town146153211219 m64
60Riverside464071251223 m177

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL