Rank ⇓Name Rounds Score Kills Longest Objectives
31Kamchatka1411891514 m106
32K-Town146153211219 m64
33Island in the sun291831517 m25
34Island Hopper43712121362 m96
35Hide42877104224 m80
36Hell Village32735100395 m71
37Gravel Pit2232552601 m54
38Finding Lenin49402301771 m235
39Field34286110878 m111
40Fastlane24647153701 m95
41Factory15731290932 m109
42Desert Raid78374237916 m207
43Desert Flower77989118618 m222
44Desert Crisis135841031363 m95
45Deep Forest87776312516 m187

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL