Rank Name Rounds Score ⇑Kills Longest Objectives
16Baikal-Sea11861531349 m48
17Damaskus3197065252 m49
18CounTaineR_26111371163 m27
19Lakeside2288377785 m83
20Serpentine3405978803 m104
21Kamchatka1411891514 m106
22DeathCity16597931382 m138
23Hell Village32735100395 m71
24Desert Crisis135841031363 m95
25Hide42877104224 m80
26Field34286110878 m111
27Portofino24959111622 m117
28CounTaineR62496117135 m64
29Desert Flower77989118618 m222
30Island Hopper43712121362 m96

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL