Rank Name Rounds Score Kills Longest Objectives
16Borderline711949263800 m304
17Oasis78429278297 m198
18Village72785170249 m59
19Bruma713558303498 m356
20Volcano7232975191409 m599
21Swamp68438266788 m209
22Bradley Op6108452461672 m279
23Pietrowsky69347137813 m280
24CounTaineR62496117135 m64
25S-Valley69428313670 m231
26CounTaineR_26111371163 m27
27Caledonia57275150768 m206
28Cold Winter55097145520 m126
29Winterbase54324178690 m99
30SSW Arena58104153631 m226

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL