Rank Name Rounds ⇑Score Kills Longest Objectives
1Island in the sun414316301 m3
2Power1165624 m4
3Gravel Pit142413374 m12
4Fastlane275030354 m20
5Saint Rebekka2261132422 m78
6Desert Crisis2264978686 m58
7Warzone1314597517 m73
8Attu Island33382491379 m97
9DeathCity14617117634 m101
10Lenskoje1464391796 m98
11S-Valley34649174816 m110
12Factory24734141964 m117
13Save The Bridge35162141750 m118
14CounTaineR105406137181 m154
15CounTaineR_2135417139143 m152

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL