Rank Name ⇑Rounds Score Kills Longest Objectives
1Lenskoje1464391796 m98
2Gravel Pit142413374 m12
3Power1165624 m4
4Warzone1314597517 m73
5DeathCity14617117634 m101
6Factory24734141964 m117
7Fastlane275030354 m20
8K-Town26520168918 m151
9Saint Rebekka2261132422 m78
10Desert Crisis2264978686 m58
11Attu Island33382491379 m97
12Russet Bay36936127373 m177
13S-Valley34649174816 m110
14Save The Bridge35162141750 m118
15Island in the sun414316301 m3

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL