Rank ⇑Name Rounds Score Kills Longest Objectives
1Armybase146099253429 m158
2Armybase-22620550640588 m525
3Atlas1531095599800 m841
4Attu Island33382491379 m97
5Bahrain1814919350391 m389
6Borderline1318932382708 m470
7Bradley Op1015067280773 m394
8Bruma13205243651158 m552
9Caledonia883031721368 m244
10Cape Hell2121384443329 m559
11Cold Winter79853230591 m260
12Conflict Zone1816829429754 m452
13CounTaineR105406137181 m154
14CounTaineR_2135417139143 m152
15Countryside1520083398931 m521

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL