Rank Name Rounds Score Kills ⇑Longest Objectives
1Power1165624 m4
2CounTaineR_2135417139143 m152
3CounTaineR105406137181 m154
4Stadium65672324205 m137
5Island in the sun414316301 m3
6Cape Hell2121384443329 m559
7Village95828196345 m153
8Fastlane275030354 m20
9Oasis1612201312359 m331
10Russet Bay36936127373 m177
11Gravel Pit142413374 m12
12Bahrain1814919350391 m389
13Saint Rebekka2261132422 m78
14Winterbase115989278423 m136
15Armybase146099253429 m158

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL