Rank Name Rounds ⇓Score Kills Longest Objectives
31Wayne_Island1118811273 m36
32White Village1116039350 m32
33Deep Forest2109637118 m30
34CounTaineR_23101428150 m26
35Conflict Zone397540309 m26
36Swamp196546521 m20
37Cold Winter194535321 m18
38Plattenbau190322457 m26
39Field378216476 m22
40Oasis278234146 m20
41CounTaineR572525145 m20
42Lake Karachay168418746 m20
43Villariva vs.Villabajo161510456 m19
44Portofino154918568 m15
45Al-Shedin14517123 m13

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL