Rank Name Rounds ⇑Score Kills Longest Objectives
16Armybase-23288279421 m61
17Desert Crisis1313891672 m80
18Conflict Zone73233109615 m88
19Caledonia3330167761 m99
20Bahrain3334162144 m92
21Damaskus2395473403 m110
22CounTaineR93993116146 m115
23Powerbase24103174942 m83
24Vladivostok3449074742 m116
25Swamp64882111744 m124
26Hide44882154297 m135
27Island in the sun45064128642 m137
28SSW Arena45131122567 m123
29River of Kazan15644140824 m114
30Armybase135658236275 m140

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL