Rank Name Rounds Score ⇓Kills Longest Objectives
16Save The Bridge36893192795 m177
17Borderline57577179620 m202
18Powerbase24103174942 m83
19Finding Lenin58036174460 m236
20Bruma1011442166680 m333
21Desert Raid69028156956 m248
22Russet Bay26515156491 m160
23Hide44882154297 m135
24River of Kazan15644140824 m114
25Island in the sun45064128642 m137
26SSW Arena45131122567 m123
27Kamchatka45970120364 m178
28CounTaineR93993116146 m115
29DeathCity16669116705 m151
30Swamp64882111744 m124

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL