Rank Name Rounds Score Kills ⇓Longest Objectives
16DeathCity16669116705 m151
17Vassholmen1319957402695 m537
18Bruma1011442166680 m333
19Desert Crisis1313891672 m80
20Desert Flower1511639258653 m336
21Wayne_Island2177025653 m54
22Riverside613135261642 m341
23Island in the sun45064128642 m137
24Borderline57577179620 m202
25Conflict Zone73233109615 m88
26SSW Arena45131122567 m123
27Hell Village4247943566 m64
28S-Valley510095244557 m262
29Deep Forest2194075512 m44
30Countryside59067214501 m241

The Soldner Secret Wars Rankingsystem was developed by Jason33 and ViperNL